Newsletters: April 2021


Top Project - April 2021

Raiffeisenbank Villmergen, with its head office in Villmergen and branches in Dottikon and Sarmenstorf, was founded in 1912. Last year, the Dottikon branch was converted and expanded into a modern advisory bank and is open since 11th of January 2021.
The ceiling coverings in all rooms are made with TOPPERFO®-Micro.
The perforation of TOPPERFO®-Micro measures only 0.5 mm in diameter and is therefore almost invisible. The sound absorption is nevertheless very high.
A perfect combination, therefore, if aesthetics and acoustics are to be convincing, true to our claim, which is “inspired listening”!

> For more information

Object: Raiffeisenbank Dottikon, CH
Architect: Atelier West Architekten AG, Baden CH
Type: TOPPERFO® Panel type Micro, Perforation 2/2/0.5, MDF melamine eco Oak M3280 NTL
Area: approx. 170 m2
Year: 2020
Customer: Deckisol AG, Urdorf CH
Impressions: Atelier für Fotografie René Rötheli, Baden CH