Newsletters: August 2022

Top Project - August 2022
The Fortyseven thermal baths in the Baden spa district have been in operation for just under a year. Mario Botta’s new building was constructed on the site where the ancient Romans had their wellness temple. Natural materials were the focus, with Topakustik AG meeting the increased requirements. The oasis of well-being with optimal room acoustics is definitely worth a visit.
In the past, people went to Baden for a cure. Hermann Hesse, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, gave the book about his stay in the Baden spa district the title “Kurgast” (Spa Guest). Later, until the demolition eight years ago, people went to the thermal baths. From late autumn 2021, people will now bathe in “Fortyseven”: that is the name of the thermal baths designed by architect Mario Botta. Fortyseven – the obvious reason for this name is the fact that the thermal water is 47 degrees warm when it bubbles out of the ground.
It is not the first wellness project by Swiss star architect Mario Botta, but perhaps his best – at least that is what the official homepage of “Fortyseven” says.
In any case, Botta also plays with light and shadow in Baden and relies on natural materials. For the ceilings, we were allowed to supply more than 30,000 m1 of solid wood planks, which we processed into aesthetic strip ceilings. We also supplied large quantities of Topakustik type 12/4M ceilings in black lacquer. Our ceilings thus contribute to a first-class bathing and wellness experience.
(Text source: Badener Tagblatt and Fortyseven)
Object: Bäderquartier Baden, CH
Architect: Mario Botta Architetti, Mendrisio CH
Type: TOPAKUSTIK Panel type 12/4 M, MDF and RESAP, european Maple veneered & lacquered RAL 9011 / Solid wood planks special 30/30
Customer: Isolag AG, Zürich CH / Schmid Janutin AG, Urdorf CH
Impressions: Rene Dürr, Zürich CH