Newsletters: Summer 2021
Exactly 30 years ago in Lungern, September 1991, things started off small – but with a big goal in mind: a product with a major unique selling point was envisioned.
Arthur Fries took advantage of necessary remodelling work and spontaneously designed a sound-absorbing ceiling for his new executive office. It took him only a few hours, and with the prototype in his hand, he realized the unprecedented potential of this product.
Today, after three decades of continuously high demand, countless outstanding projects and several exemplary references, we know exactly how correct he was in his assessment!
Flyer Anniversary
In our anniversary flyer you’ll find the illustrated history of TOPAKUSTIK®, including all of its products and a few exemplary projects. Additionally, the voices of some employees, as well as references from our domestic market of Switzerland, are included.
> Take a look at our flyer.Development History
How exciting and interesting that the two firms NH Akustik + Design AG (joinery), together with their sister company neue Holzbau AG (carpentry), emerged from the former ‘old’ Holzbau. We’ve put together a 24 page book on the history of TOPAKUSTIK’s® development.
> You can read it here